3 Quick Wins using a Digital Marketing Strategy Portal


Hey. Welcome back to the MDC Studio. I'm Ben, cofounder of My Digital CMO, and we help marketing leaders, consultants, and agency deliver great strategy with their clients. And, today, we're gonna talk a little bit about, some of the features and the quick wins you can expect using a product like my digital CMO, which is a integrated digital strategy workspace. It'll create and manage and help you track your strategy work over time, but also is, a functional marketing strategy portal that helps align, educate, and manage your clients, your deliverables, and your team dynamic.


So let's get into it and talk about, digital strategy portals and what that really means. And when I say let's talk about it, I'm gonna go through a few, things that you can expect engaging, a tool like this that goes a little bit above and beyond some of the standard, Asana or, Workday or Jira products out there as a fit for purpose digital marketing tool, for digital marketing professionals. So, of course, the first, cab off the rank is clients, whether they're internal, stakeholders or an external client you're working with, keeping them on-site and front of mind and absolutely focused on the outcomes that, please them is going to be the best strategy, for long term customer satisfaction there is. And when you're working in business, you know, it's not about being happy. It's about being, understood about having concrete strategies.


You know, it's not about having fun, but, solving problems for the businesses and, you know, making sure that the strategy and tactics and execution you come up with are 100% aligned with the aligned with the client's expectations and also 100% aligned with how you're gonna, be successful. So I would I'd start describing what my digital CMO is as, you know, it is a strategy workspace that you can build your strategy, but it is also a portal where it has lots of elements. And it is also a workspace designed to help you work, designed to help your team, have a focused place to build, awesome digital marketing strategy. So if you think of, a Venn diagram and, the elements would be your brand marketing fundamentals, your marketing strategy, pillars, and also, your tactics and activations. Then, how that Venn diagram overlaps, that's our marketing strategy portal.


So, you know, your brand strategy elements will define what you stand for, your values, your mission statement, how you orient your business, and that of course lends its itself to your high level, objectives and some of your goals. And then, you're on the marketing strategy side, you know, where your customers and products determine you should operate. Those things are gonna intersect and and where they intersect the with with your brand brand strategy elements, that's your business purpose. So when you have your marketing strategy and your your, activation tactics where they intersect, that's gonna be your marketing mix, where your channels are defined, where your tactics within those channels, created to make your marketing mix. And then, when you look at the intersection of, your brand fundamentals and those tactics, you know, that's what you value is your tone of voice, your brand imagery, and and some of those other elements that define your product, your service, and and your offering come together.


So within our, marketing strategy workspace, there are a few different areas, a brand dashboard, a marketing mix dashboard, areas to define your customer and your personas, and allow you to, use that space to refine and create a really great digital strategy. In in the portal, there is the ability to create multiple businesses. So you might start with your, own business and your own strategy and your own definition. Okay. That's a really quick, high level view of my digital CMO.


Obviously, there's lots more information about the features, on the website, but what, we wanna focus in on is how you can use a product like this for quick wins, in your own business. Because, there's one thing understanding digital marketing strategy, but a lot of the challenges with a big year like 2025 when there's a lot of new technology, lot of new products coming out there, and so many AI activation channels, that it's really gonna be, different at the end of the the next 12 months than right now. We're gonna see what happens, but you're gonna need this digital workspace and portal to help keep out in front of your clients, manage their their expectations, really tightly, manage their focus and energy into what is agreed in your digital marketing strategy, and, obviously, we're here to help you do that. Okay. So what are our top three quick wins?


K. Number 1, your portal should be giving you strategic clarity and structure. So all the effort that you put into finding those clients, getting them in front of you, convincing them that you are the best supplier for their needs, that you have the skills that are required for the multiple channels, tactics, and a diverse team, to get the job done. The first thing you're gonna need a strategy portal to do is actually clearly lay that out. So when there's a structure there that's clear framework that's intuitive and logical can, adapt to your customization, can adapt to your nuance in your industry or niche, that is gonna be, educational portal.


Now it's gonna allow the customer to collaborate because you can bring everyone into that central point of documentation. We've got some messaging and collaborative tools that help you do that, becomes a tool for reviewing and managing the strategy and educating your clients and our framework for decision making. So that is a strategic structure that adds clarity, that is really available so you can stop spending all your time trying to just onboard a client with getting them going on a platform, add the value right away, get them in there, the quick onboarding, and your onboarding time is spent reviewing, educating, building, collaborating on a strategy, not learning how to use the platform. So it's a quick win win number 1, strategic and clear structure in your marketing strategy portal. Okay.


The second quick win you're gonna have with the, intuitive SaaS based marketing strategy portal, you're gonna have a professional structure clarifying deliverables. So it's great to have a lot of ideas, but what are the deliverables around that? Your portal should have a clear place for building objectives, a clear place for putting in your values, what your campaigns mean, what your budget is, what your smart goals are, and your KPIs and objectives. So then right from the beginning, your business purpose is backed by goals, back is backed by intent, and every activity can be backed by a measurable KPI. And that should be a quick win for a marketing strategy portal workspace, and you can get that in my digital CMO within a very short amount of time.


Your activities are mapped to metrics, and you can get full buy in with your clients. Because at the end of the day, if it's a clear structure and it's professional marketing framework, you can get going much quicker, to satisfying your clients with revenue earning campaigns rather than reiterating and and, the to and fro on strategy or onboarding. K. So the 3rd the 3rd quick win you're gonna look for in a marketing strategy, workspace, and portal is work that is scalable and customizable. So when you have your first client, that is fantastic, but you might be onboarding 2, 4, 10 clients a month.


You want the same structure. You want the same reliability and repeatability, to manage multiple concurrent strategies. So each one of your clients is gonna have a different maturity level across different channels, different team sizes, different activities, different markets, different tactics. Your marketing strategy portal should be scalable, help scale with your business initiatives. So you can repeat what you've done with your other clients in terms of structure and purpose and framing and roll that out again and again.


So you can keep onboarding your clients knowing that they're gonna have the same strategy focus, the same transparent approach, the same ability to collaborate, and the the same, effective, professional framework. And there's no limit. You can keep going. Your 100th customer should be as clear as your first and, a decent marketing strategy portal product, and, marketing strategy workspace will allow your team to get in and deliver for every your scaling should be around, have you got enough people to do that work to deliver it knowing that your strategic intent is in that strategy portal? Have you got the providers and the partners onboarded, and your strategy portal might digital CMOs can handle that easily for you?


So those are the 3 quick wins. So the 3 quick wins are your strategy put your strategic marketing workspace has gotta give you a clear strategic structure that adds clarity, helps you educate your stakeholders, your team, build your strategy, and reinforce that with a number 2, which is a structure that helps you clarify your deliverables. So when you've got your agreed strategy, you don't move forwards and wonder what the deliverables are, wonder what the KPIs are. They're there and accessible for you immediately. And then the third one, you're gonna have a scalable and customizable workspace so that marketing strategy portal is nuanced to you, your business, and your way forward.


So, that's that's it. There's many, many more features that come with, with those. But if you get those top three value ads, I think it's gonna be a great year. So go out and, make strategy.

Creators and Guests

Ben Rounsefell
Ben Rounsefell
Co-founder of My Digital CMO and Marketing Strategy advocate
3 Quick Wins using a Digital Marketing Strategy Portal
Broadcast by